How to Deal with a Disengaged Project Sponsor

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证据很清楚:365sports365足球成功的主要驱动力是积极参与的执行365sports365足球发起bet36365体育网站. But for many of us, that isn’t good news.

Few executives are trained and prepared to fill the role of a Sponsor. 更少的bet36365体育网站有时间、资源和精力来兼顾365sports365足球赞助和他们的“日常工作”.”

Consider this short list of what a great sponsor does:

  • 上下文. Provide business context and insight to the project team.
  • 宣传. Champion the project to other executives and leaders.
  • 资源. Ensure availability of resources, funding, and “time to do it right.”
  • 动力. Resolve issues or sticking points outside the PM’s authority.

When a Project Manager and a Sponsor can forge a genuine partnership, almost everything becomes easier. 那么,如果你遇到了一个不投入或无能的bet36365体育网站,你该怎么做呢?

这取决于. Any good cure relies on an accurate diagnosis.

Common Problems That Could Be Plaguing Your Sponsor Relationship

  1. 问题: Your sponsor doesn’t understand their role.
    治疗: Communicate exactly what you need.

In most cases, 高管们根本不明白(或者从来没有bet36365体育网站教过)一个好的赞助商应该做什么. 你需要填补他们的知识,而不是诉诸于50张幻灯片的ppt.

要做到这一点,具体地、明确地、一致地询问你需要什么. For example, in your next regular meeting, you could say something like: “Lately, 我注意到我们会计部门的很多工作都被拖延了. 你能不能见一下首席财务官看看是什么在和我们争优先权?”

Over time, your sponsor will come to understand their role through practice. Meanwhile, you’ll get powerful tactical support where you most need it.


  1. 问题: Your sponsor has more important /urgent priorities.
    治疗: Keep your relationship low maintenance.

当然,你可以试着说服你的赞助商,你的365sports365足球比看起来更重要. But sometimes, it just isn’t. You can still get what you need when your project is of low importance. You just have to get better at asking for it.

First, find out how and when your sponsor best absorbs information. 选择合适的时间和格式,对你的情况做一个简短的总结(2-3句话),以及你需要他们采取的1-2项具体行动. 如果一个重大的风险正在逼近,也要提出来,但不要让信息过于复杂.

专注于提供上下文(做出负责任的决策所需的目标信息)而不是背景(其他一切). 否则,你的365sports365足球可能会被你的赞助商的其他优先事项所淹没.


  1. 问题: Your sponsor doesn’t believe they can affect positive change.
    治疗: Consider finding a “shadow sponsor.”

Burnout is real, and executives aren’t immune. If your sponsor has fallen prey to a defeatist attitude, 你的第一个策略应该是通过实现和强调快速的胜利来重新激发他们的精神. It’s possible that proving momentum could help jolt them out of complacency.

But if that doesn’t work, 您可能需要找到一个bet36365体育网站(或不止一个bet36365体育网站)来非正式地填补一些发起bet36365体育网站的角色. For example, 你可能会与另一位bet36365体育网站建立关系,他会很乐意向同事推荐你的365sports365足球,或者分享有价值的信息.

很多时候,365sports365足球经理认为他们被他们的赞助者“困住”了. That may be true…on paper. But think outside the box, and you may be able to turn the ship around.


  1. 问题: Your sponsor doesn’t trust you (yet).
    治疗: 公司rease contact.

Relationships aren’t built over email. You’ll need to do the work to develop trust, rapport, and access. If your project is critical, aim to see and speak to your sponsor daily. 至少要确保你们每周接触两次(当面或在镜头前).)

When together, be conscious of the balance between respecting their time (i.e., getting to the point) and building the relationship (i.e., establishing rapport, sharing a joke, or brainstorming ideas). You need to do both to build trust.

最后, don’t shoot yourself in the foot by withholding bad news, expressing frustration about your sponsor to others, or anything else that erodes the trust you’re working hard to develop.

在执行365sports365足球赞助的(有时是危险的)水域中航行是令bet36365体育网站生畏的, even for the most seasoned project manager. 然而,, 解决方案往往比我们想象的更直接:清晰的沟通, targeted information, strategic networking, and dedicated relationship-building.

记住,优秀的365sports365足球经理不仅管理他们的365sports365足球,还管理他们的赞助商. Armed with the right approach and a little bit of patience, 你可以把一个不参与的赞助者变成你365sports365足球最大的支持者——把你的365sports365足球从优秀变成伟大的力量掌握在你的手中.

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