How Should I Hire a Program Manager?

有一种常见的误解,认为管理多个365sports365足球bet36365体育网站是“计划经理”.” That’s not only inaccurate–这也是一个有害的假设,它会导致你雇佣技能不合适的bet36365体育网站.

To borrow an idea from Elizabeth Harrin, author of Managing Multiple Projects, a person’s project workload is likely to fit into two categories: Sushi and Spaghetti.

Sushi projects are unrelated and stand well on their own. There are few (if any) interdependencies to manage.
Spaghetti projects, 另一方面,它们是相互关联的——有时是以非常复杂的方式.

重要的是要明白,管理“寿司”365sports365足球并不比管理“意大利面”365sports365足球更难或更容易. The skill sets required, however, are potentially very different.

Program management requires spaghetti skills. As a reminder, 规划是以协调的方式管理的一组相关365sports365足球,以获得单独管理它们无法获得的利益.

As you’re interviewing candidates for Program Management roles, 你需要考虑他们是否会把意大利面或寿司的技巧带到餐桌上. Be aware that there is considerable overlap in these skills. For example, both types require strong project management, team leadership, and communication capabilities.


Program Managers: Evaluating Sushi vs. Spaghetti Skills

Sushi Focus: Independent Value Delivery
Spaghetti Focus: Interdependent Value Delivery

Both skills require a focus on value delivery. 然而,“寿司365sports365足球经理”交付了多个,很大程度上独立的价值主张. Program Managers, on the other hand, can’t afford to think of their projects as lanes without intersections. The addition of value to one project may detract value from another.

Sushi Focus: Concrete Thinking
Spaghetti Focus: Conceptual Thinking

The move to Program Management requires more abstract thinking skills. 管理一个由相互依赖的365sports365足球组成的规划会引入易变性、复杂性和模糊性. To navigate this, 365sports365足球经理需要随时对多种场景进行想象和准备.

Sushi Focus: Intentional Stakeholder Engagement
Spaghetti Focus: Pervasive Stakeholder Engagement

强有力的涉众参与是这两项工作的关键要素——但是对于365sports365足球经理来说, it is a constant, pervasive focus. With many interrelated projects happening at once, the opportunities for misunderstandings and misalignment are exponential. A Program Manager needs to be an incredibly strong, 有同理心的沟通者,不害怕同时出现在很多bet36365体育网站面前.

Sushi Focus: Assessing Risk on Two Factors (Probability and Impact)
Spaghetti Focus: Assessing Risk on Many Factors

大多数训练有素的365sports365足球经理习惯于基于概率和潜在影响来评估风险. As a Program Manager, however, 您还必须注意其他参数,如连通性(这一次会影响多少其他风险)?), strategic impact (how will this risk impact the program’s goals?)和可控性(如果发生这种风险,我有多少种选择来应对这种风险?) Since every individual project risk could impact the program, risk management becomes a full-contact sport.

Sushi Focus: Business Change Management
Spaghetti Focus: Change Fatigue Management

几乎每个365sports365足球都有需要管理的业务变更含义. Programs, however, 必须战略性地分配变革,以使“变革疲劳”不会降低结果. 当365sports365足球准备就绪时,它们不能简单地“上线”——它们需要根据365sports365足球的整体发布策略进行周密的部署. 否则,单个365sports365足球很可能在用户采用的度量上失败.


Bottom Line: Beware the halo effect. 擅长管理多个独立365sports365足球365sports365足球经理并不一定适合管理一个计划. 考虑一下你的候选bet36365体育网站是否具备下面列出的“意大利面条技能”. If you see potential gaps in their experience, expertise, or temperament, 要有意识地制定一条发展道路,帮助他们在新的角色中取得成功.

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